Saturday, June 22, 2013

January 21, 1956 The Pressing, Sewing and Knitting, The Lovely Birthday, The Foot Tall Cake and Worn to a Frazzle

ISNU Yearbook
Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Our house is beginning to look like we lived here.  The drapes for the living room came Monday and I got them up that night.  They are so wide it was an awful chore to press them.  I also got the material for the dining room drapes but haven't even cut them yet.  It will be a job.  The kitchen curtains are almost done but I've made them by hand and it has been slow.  Bob lost a mitten so I had to take the time to knit a bit so he'd have some.

It has been real cold and has snowed a bit.  B had to make a talk fifty miles away last night and we were worried about the roads but they were o.k.  He is out to a dinner meeting (all men) tonight.  We were invited to a pot luck supper but he had already made this reservation.

Ann has been home sick again.  She had a cold and the excitement of Bob's birthday was too much for her.  She was sick all night Wed. and Thursday.  I think she was just overtired for she didn't have a fever.

In Bob's words he had a "lovely birthday".  Your package came Saturday.  He was so happy with the shirt & tie.  He wore them to church on Sunday and then wore the shirt to school Monday.  He sure looked sweet in the pink.  We got him some new guns in holsters.  That's what he wanted but it will probably be the last ones he'll want.  He wears them every minute he can.  We had a party after school Wed. with 12 children.  It was a real nice party but I was worn to a frazzle by supper time.  Bob asked for cake, ice cream and pop.  And the cake had to be 3 tiered.  It had six layers and was about a foot tall.  We're still eating cake.  The kids eyes bugged when they saw the cake.  It took all day Tuesday to make it.

I got out some dress patterns to send to Beulah but haven't got them wrapped yet.  It seems to take me longer to do little jobs than big ones.

B has the door made for the cabinet he cut down and is painting it now.  He has also reset the tiles in the hearth that were loose.  He is learning to do a lot of new things.

Toni is having a surprise party for Lynn tomorrow.  I'll take the kids and stay to help.  She helped me with Bob's party.  It is too much to do by oneself.

Hope you are both fine."

                          Lots of love,


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