Friday, March 29, 2013

June 11 - 12, 1954 Ikenobo and Ohara Floral Arranging and The Tokonoma

Images from  Flower Arrangements of the OHARA School, 1953

Diary Entry:  June 11, 1954

"Jane Teele & I went to flower class in Nigawa.  Lovely Japanese house but a tiny western parlor.  Many knick-knacks around.  Son supposed to know English but couldn't talk to me."

Diary Entry:  June 12, 1954

"Levines left mid-morning.  Spent morning cleaning up & washing.  After rests all went to Women's Club bazaar.  Children saw movie, had ice cream.  Picked up my brocade dress, tried B's suit again (had to have more padding)." 

"A tokonoma is a special corner of the room.  It is where families put their loveliest flowers or best pieces of pottery or sculpture.  On the wall in the tokonoma they hang scroll pictures.  There are special pictures for different times through the year and the ones not being used are rolled and put away."

Our family scroll, above, and scroll paintings

(In Japan, by Bonnie Belshe, 1955)

Poem and image above from this book
NOTE:  Japanese flower arranging would become a life-long passion for Bonnie.   


  1. The Japanese really do believe that 'Less Is More' where flower arranging is concerned. Unlike our flower arranging where we tend to place as much as is humanly possible into our flower arrangements. I love both types of flower arrangements because they are so different.

  2. Hi Merryl. I have to admit I love a big, loose bundle of brightly colored flowers as if just cut, but I agree that a single flower or 2 can be very elegant and beautiful. Thanks for writing! Good to hear from you as always.


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