Wednesday, May 16, 2012

October 20, 1947 Another Lovely Day, The Two Hour Tooth, Looking in the Mirror and Linoleum

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Your letter got here at the usual time even if you did write late.  This is another lovely day so I rode to the P.O. with B and walked back.  I'd like to stay outside all day but since I have to go to the Dr. this afternoon there are some things I have to do.  It has been so warm that we keep the windows up day & night.  Aggie says this is her idea of winter.  Ha!

We went to a faculty buffet supper Thurs. evening and it was real nice.  There must have been 150 there and that wasn't near all of them.  They didn't have any entertainment after so we got home real early.

You should see me now with this peg of a tooth.  It is a dark, dirty yellow color after he got the little white part off and I really am pretty.  He worked on me steadily for about two hours but was so gentle and kind that I was just a little tired when he finished.  He was so afraid I'd get nervous but there wasn't anything to get upset about because there wasn't any life in the tooth.  It didn't hurt until he took the impression.  Then he had to push a copper cup-like thing up into the edge of the gum and of course that cut.  The worse part is over and he'll put the cap on Saturday.

If you can find a picture of the kind of purse you like send it to me.  I think I know what you want but a picture would help.  I'll look where I bought mine.  They had lots when I was there before but may not have anything now.

I saw in the Mirror that Bob Tucker had cockers for sale.  Why don't you try to get one.  It seems like a good chance and they can be registered.

My housecoat is about done.  I still have Aggie's machine or I wouldn't have tried to make it.  It is all double stitched so it has taken longer than usual to make it.  I had purposely saved my black dress for the school affairs.  I let the skirt out on the sides again for it was quite snug and then too, the material isn't too strong and I was afraid the seams would pull out.  It is fine now and doesn't wrinkle too badly.  After the first good pressing the second one wasn't hard to do.

The linoleum would be fine for your cabinets--so much easier to keep nice than wood tops.  All the ready built cabinets have it or porcelain on top.  I've seen fancy sinks with it around the top, too.  Aggie got a new cream marbleized inlaid for her kitchen this summer and it looks real nice--has some red & green in it.  There are dozens of colors to choose from.

Hope you both are fine."

           Lots of love,

                 B & Bonnie

1946 Publication of the Chamber of Commerce of the US (Truman Musuem)
NOTES from Ann:  On October 20, 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began it's investigation into the influence of Communism in the film industry.   Use the link for news footage:

For information on the Hollywood blacklist:

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