Tuesday, April 3, 2012

November 10, 1945 The Dentist, The Spoiled Sausage and A Poem For Peace

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Your letter came Thursday afternoon so it seems like we should have another one today.  Today is dark and gloomy.  The weatherman said rain or snow today and it really feels like it.  It gets colder all the time.

We just came home from town.  I made my last visit to the dentist.  At least I hope it is the last one for a long time.  He got my front tooth fixed at last.  I was so afraid it would have to be pulled.  He has been treating it since August and only charged me $12.00.  I expected it to be $25.

We had planned to go to Hartford to a Hopkins football game but it is so cold we decided not to go.  Several of us were going in one of the school's station wagons.

There is to be a Hopkins dinner next Thursday night but I have a class that night so I can't go.  B will probably go anyway.

I'm glad Beulah is getting moved at last.  Did she get anyone to help her?  I'm glad she is better.  Did she take treatment from the Lebanon or Crocker doctor?

Hal is the Dames president.  We are having our first meeting next Wednesday.

B doesn't have much time to write on his dissertation.  There is always something else that has to be done.

You certainly got a bargain in Daddy's overcoat.  I've been intending to look for a dress and hat but haven't had a chance yet.  We still haven't mailed the magazines but we will one of these days.

Bring some of your kraut and come over.  I got wieners for lunch and we'd have them together.  I have opened two cans of sausage that have been spoiled.  It is such a waste to have to throw out all that meat.

Is Grandma there now?  How is she and did she get to go to Beulah's with you?

We are still planning to go see Mabel and Horace Christmas if he is still in Alabama.  He has been in the hospital with his back again and thinks they will release him before long.  It probably won't be till after the first of the year.  I wish they could do something for his back.  He has been sleeping on a board again.

What are you all wanting for Christmas this year?  I guess it will be as big a problem as ever.  Write soon."

                               Lots of love,

                                          B & Bonnie

NOTES from Ann:  November, 1945 marked the closing of several Japanese-American Internment Camps, known euphemistically as "Relocation Centers".  Use the link below for more information:

Also of note on November 10, 1945 was the bloody Battle of Surabaya, fought by Indonesian Nationalists and British and Dutch troops on behalf of the Netherlands.  

Clipping from Springfield News Leader,  November, 1945 with notation by Bonnie's mother (Poem by Charles Edward Lunn, an Air Force Chaplain who became pastor of a local church)

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